No Need To Wait Days For Repairs To Your Dentures
Have you discovered a crack in your dentures?
Broken dentures can affect how you eat and eat, causing your gums to feel sore. Without dentures you may also feel self-conscious about eating or speaking in front of other people, so when you take them to be mended you do not want to have to wait days for repairs to be carried out.
Acorn Laboratory Ltd offers a whilst you wait service for denture repairs, so you have the security of knowing that you will be able to return to your daily life as normal after you leave us with your mended dentures.
Protect Your Teeth With Stylish Gum Shields
Have you recently taken up hockey and want a gum shield that you know is correctly fitted to the shape of your mouth?
Perhaps your gum shield has become damaged whilst playing rugby. Gum shields are designed to stop your teeth from getting knocked out should you get accidently hit with a hockey stick or collide with another player. Acorn Laboratory Ltd provides high quality gum shields from Erkoflex.
These come in a variety of colours, so you can choose the one that suits your personal tastes. Should your gum shield become damaged, repairs can also be carried out.
Contact Us
To discuss your requirements for denture repairs or a new mouth shield, get in touch with us today by calling the number at the top of the page. You can also get in contact with us by filling in the form on the contact page.
We look forward to hearing from you.